Kick off in Stuttgart!
28. April 2020
Philipp Körner (Cello), Galerie Valentien
Already during the first weeks of quarantine, long after all concert music had disappeared behind the screens, the flutist Prof. Stephanie Winker from Stuttgart came up with a brilliant idea: the concept of the 1:1 CONCERTS - as originally designed for the Volkenroda Summer Concerts 2019 together with her colleagues Franziska, Christian and Sophie - respected all official social distancing requirements due to the intimacy of the two-person encounter at a safe distance. It marked the longed-for return to the analogous concert experience.

Many musicians from both the Staatsoper and the SWR Orchestra as well as the PR team of the orchestras were enthusiastic about the idea and worked tirelessly to help officially launch the 1:1 CONCERTS. An idyllic location was also quickly found: Imke Valentien provided the wonderful Galerie Valentien as a rehearsal location and a first meeting ended with very positive feedback from all participants - some of the listeners were deeply touched by the intensity and uniqueness of this intimate 1:1 encounter. Further rehearsal days followed and a collective decision was taken: this was the perfect opportunity for live music to return back on stage. Mindful Music - here and now instead of flickering screens and loudspeakers. Many more enthusiastic partners joined the team and 1:1 CONCERTS quickly turned into an amazing cross-institutional, creative art project.