Donation to Charity Foundation of the Deutsche Orchesterstiftung
30. April 2020

Due to the lockdown of almost all orchestras, choirs, opera and concert halls, music festivals and public and private music organizers, cultural and musical life currently faces one of the most serious crises since the end of World War II.
With our 1:1 CONCERTS you can support musicians who suffer hardship due to the cancellation of all concerts and performances as a result of the corona crisis. We ask of our listeners and supporters to donate money to the charity foundation of the Charity Foundation of the Deutsche Orchesterstiftung or comparable regional funds.
We hope that 1:1 CONCERTS can thus make a substantial contribution to the preservation of our cultural landscape.
DONATIONS can be directed to:
Deutsche Orchester-Stiftung
Payment reference: Nothilfefonds 1to1 Concerts
IBAN: EN35 1004 0000 0114 1514 05
Or on