Giving Tuesday - support our freelance artists
29. November 2021

DONATION APPEAL! Tuesday, 30th November is #givingtuesday 2021 is! This mindful brother of "Black Friday" invites you to support charitable projects!
With the current pandemic situation, many artists are facing a bitter déjà vu: once again their concerts and engagements are cancelled. This causes financial hardship and uncertainty.
Ever since the beginning of the pandemic, our 1:1 CONCERTS have raised donations for freelance artists and we have continuously offered a stage for freelance artists. Countless listeners and spectators have enjoyed artistic encounters at eye level - proximity from a distance!
With your donation you can help us to provide freelance artists with performance opportunities of 1:1 CONCERTS in cities like Berlin, Stuttgart, Frankfurt or Munich and elsewhere - already this coming winter!
LISTEN WITH YOUR HEART & PRESERVE CULTURE! Your help will support freelance artists in need:
Donation account at GLS Bank:
IBAN: DE56430609671208500500
*Each contribution of 200,- € or more will receive an automatic donation receipt if a postal address is included. For further questions, please contact us at: