Bunkersalon Ensemble Resonanz »brave new world - digitale musikerfahrung« 25. April 2022


On Tuesday, 26.04.2022 at 7:30 pm, Ensemble Resonanz invites you to the Bunkersalon "brave new world - digital music experience" at Resonanzraum St. Pauli in Hamburg. Our artistic director Franziska Ritter will talk about her experience and research on hybrid-real spaces on stage. Our 1:1 format, which promises closeness instead of distance, is the starting point of her reflections.

Info and tickets: https://www.ensembleresonanz.com/termine-und-tickets/bunkersalon-brave-new-world-digitale-musikerfahrung-2022-04-26

"Mass mobility is coming to its end. Globalisation is running out of steam. And: the tea party is becoming reality." (Peter Weibel, 2020). Is this the "brave new world"? Really? The bunkersalon discusses the opportunities and limits of digital music and world experience and puts them into practise. How does closeness develop within the digital space? Can creativity evolve and unfold? What is the potential of tools like virtual and augmented reality? The cultural scientist and dramaturge Imanuel Schipper discusses, among other things, the peculiarities of digital spaces in front of, on and behind the stage, ways of creativity, hybrid forms of digital-analogue object and music theatre and experimenting at the interface of analogue and digital musical experience on the resonanz.digital platform with our guests.

Particicpants: Franziska Ritter (scenographer, musician, theatre researcher), Darsha Hewitt (artist, engineer, lecturer), Lars Unger (artist collective BOSMOS), Renske Stehen (Ensemble Resonanz), Imanuel Schipper (moderator), Tim-Erik Winzer (mixing desk).

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