Deutschlandfunk Kultur on the 1:1 CONCERTS experience in Dresden
06. February 2021

Musiker Ulf Prelle und seine Zuhörerin beim 1zu1 Konzert
Deutschlandfunk Kultur featuring the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra and and their experience with 1:1 CONCERTS in the programme "Mikrokosmos".
You can listen to the radio feature here (German).
„An exclusive concert for one person is an intense experience. Instead of being lost in the vast audience, the listener sits face to face in a mutual gaze with the musician. The ten-minute encounters explore special concert venues like the town hall, a violin maker's shop, the famous Frauenkirche or a gallery. No talking, only looking and listening. What happens during these - for both sides unusual - encounters? And why does the Philharmonic Orchestra try everything to keep performing even now? "Mikrokosmos" author Anna Lila May wants to find out. She visits rehearsals, talks to musicians and listeners and finally experiences herself one of these unique mini-events."