1:1 CONCERTS starting into the French-German anniversary
01. February 2023
Vive l‘amitié franco-allemande!
Long live the Franco-German friendship! 60 years ago, the Elysée Treaty was signed - a new start for cooperation and solidarity between our two countries.
On 27 and 28 January 2023, we celebrated this anniversary with 1:1 CONCERTS in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Toulouse and the bookshop Ombres Blanches as part of the Franco-German week. Bertille Arrué (violoncello) and Mathieu Lamouroux (viola) enchanted their listeners. Céline Laurière, cultural representative of the Goethe-Institut was the sensitive host! The concerts took place at two charming venues: inside the Goethe Institute’s vaulted cellar - typical of Toulouse - and in a bright room of the bookshop, surrounded by art.