1:1 in der Nibelungenstadt 03.07.2020

Das Wormser 1:1 TEAM im Klosterkreuzgang

Das Wormser 1:1 TEAM im Klosterkreuzgang

© Christian Siegmund

On 3 July 2020, 1:1 CONCERTS had their premiere in the beautiful Nibelungen city of Worms, organised by Ulrike Lahr and Christian Waas. The two are most dedicated to their city and want to promote classical culture for the citizens of Worms. For 1:1, they found a wonderful quiet place for mindful encounters in the middle of the pandemic.

Listener Sophia Rishyna:

I felt as if my soul was being searched for the right piece; with Max Reger and Aaron Minsky, cellist Eric Trümpler hit the mark and gave me goose bumps. The fact that Father Philipp König accompanied me out into the garden reinforced my (...) awareness of being part of something very special.

Thomas Haag (E-Gitarre) lässt den Klosterkreuzgang erklingen.

Thomas Haag (E-Gitarre) lässt den Klosterkreuzgang erklingen.

© Christian Siegmund

For an entire summer afternoon, many listeners enjoyed a musical tête-à-tête in an otherwise hidden place: the cloister of the Dominican monastery of St. Paul, dating back to 1007. Eric Trümpler (violoncello) and Thomas Haag (guitar & electric guitar) played in this historic place. The friar Father Philipp König opened doors and hearts for his listeners.

In this article (in German) you can find out more about this beautiful event.


Dominikanerkloster St. Paulus Hosts: Philipp König
Pauluspl. 5
67547 Worms


Eric Tümpler (Violoncello)

Thomas Haag (Gitarre / E-Gitarre)


Pater Philipp König