UN:HEARD SOUNDS OF INDUSTRY Making the “unheard” tangible in Chemnitz 16.08.2024

Diethard Krause, Viola da Gamba, vor der Dampfmaschine im Industriemuseum Chemnitz 2024

Diethard Krause, Viola da Gamba, vor der Dampfmaschine im Industriemuseum Chemnitz 2024

© Theodor Müller

As Chemnitz will be European Capital of Culture in 2025, it invites people to take a fresh and different new look at the city and its region under the motto “C the Unseen”. Along these lines, we want to make the “unheard” tangible this summer: On Friday, August 16, 2024, we are focusing on the topic of industrial culture with UN:HEARD SOUNDS OF INDUSTRY at the Chemnitz Industrial Museum. We are thrilled to highlight the traces of the former industrial stronghold of Chemnitz - where iron casting, mechanical engineering and the textile industry once shaped people's lives - can still be felt, and we want to make them audible again!

Manuel Westermann spielt Marimba bei einem 1zu1 Konzert in Dresden.

Klein aber fein - die 1:1 CONCERTS sind ein Blind Date der besonderen Art

© Markenfotografie

In the afternoon between 4 and 6.30 pm, we are offering 1:1 CONCERTS - the simplest, but at the same time most intensive concert format: 1 musician meets 1 listener for 10 minutes of music. The free concerts take place in unusual locations in front of and behind the scenes of museum operations: in the workshops, in the depot, between the machines in the exhibition space, in the museum education laboratory. The musical “rendez-vous” is designed as a surprise for both sides. Whether, for example, a bassoonist from the Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra plays a Telemann sonata or a singer from one of Chemnitz's many bands presents her latest song - the artist and instrument are not revealed at the beginning. The format allows for a very personal concert at eye level and a very intense resonance experience for both sides. Each listener is personally welcomed and emotionally accompanied by a host. Professional musicians from the fields of classical music, jazz and rock/pop from the Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra network, the Chemnitzer Jazzclub e.V. and the Bandbüro Chemnitz, among others, will perform. The concerts can be booked individually via this website from August 1, 2024. If you would already like to reserve your spot on the waiting list. please write to chemnitz@1to1concerts.de

Musiker Jonas Urbat schafft in seiner akustischen Entdeckungsreise neue Sounds mit den Klängen der Museumsobjekte, die durch das Publikum gesammelt wurden

© Jessen Mordhorst

The artist Jonas Urbat (SoundWERK-Productions) will be playing a sound performance with the exhibits of the Industrial Museum in the evening at 7 pm. He will compose and improvise never-before-heard pieces of music from the live sounds of sounding machines and objects. Whether steam engine or loom - in a quartet of man, machine, tuba and electronics, we embark on an emotional journey through the character and history of the objects. The transitions between the objects are connected by acoustic sound journeys from numerous other sounds in the museum.

© Nikolai Marcinwoski

In the run-up to this sound performance on Saturday, July 27, 2024 from 2 to 4 p.m., various sounds will be sought out, tried out and recorded in the museum on an acoustic journey of discovery with Jonas Urbat together with museum guests and Chemnitz citizens. These “noises” and soundscapes will become an integral part of the live sound performance on August 16 and Jonas will give an insight into the creative process. If you are interested in taking part, please contact: info@buntmacherinnen.eu

Wie klingt ein Halbselfaktor aus dem Jahr 1830? Mit dieser halbmechanischen Spinnmaschine konnten 152 Spindeln gleichzeitig gesponnen werden.

© Wolfgang Schmidt

Wie klingt eine liegende Einzylinder-Gegendruck-Dampfmaschine?

© Archiv Industriemuseum Chemnitz




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Friday 16.08.2024 - Industriemuseum Chemnitz, barrierefrei

1:1 ist leider ausgebucht, aber es gibt eine Warteliste. Kontaktiert uns unter chemnitz@1to1concerts.de oder +49 (0)30-31484031. Die Konzerte sind Eintritt frei, auf Spendenbasis. Die Performance von Jonas Urbat um 19 Uhr kann auch ohne Ticket besucht werden, einfach vorbeikommen.

Mit deiner Spende können wir auch in 2025 vielen Menschen eintrittsfreie Konzerterlebnisse ermöglichen. Wir möchten damit nachhaltig vor Ort kulturelle Wirkung entfalten und in 2025 ein dreitägiges Festival rund um Musik und Industriekultur in Chemnitz veranstalten.


Industriemuseum Chemnitz Hosts: Jürgen Kabus u.a.
Zwickauer Straße 119
09112 Chemnitz

Die Konzerte finden vor und hinter den Kulissen des Industriemuseums Chemnitz statt.

© Wolfgang Schmidt


Carlos Jerez, Gitarre

Carlos is a singer and songwriter from the USA. As the frontman of the indie/folktronica band Foreghost, he not only impresses with his great voice, but also with his impressive songwriting. His musical journey even took him to “The Voice of Germany” as a candidate. Link

Jonas Urbat, Tuba & Elektronik

Jonas is not only a tuba player but also a producer. With his company SoundWERK he collects sounds and transforms them into stories. With various ensembles and orchestras, Jonas works towards a unification of artistic forms of expression. Link

Tomasz Sierant, Querflöte

Tomasz was born in Łódź, Poland, and received his training in Poland, Belgium and Switzerland. He is principal flute with the Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra in Chemnitz and won 1st prize at the International Flute Competition in Krakow in 2023. Link

Petr Krupa, E-Violine

Petr's biographical and musical roots lie in Teplice in the Czech Republic. He is a violist in the Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra Chemnitz, but also loves to improvise - e.g. on a 6-string electric violin with sound effects and a loop station. Link

Peter Dietze, Sitar

Peter, born in Niederlausitz, is a guitarist. He learned the basics of the Indian instrument sitar from an Indian teacher and since then has mostly played solo gigs, from performances and yoga events to livening up readings and discussion forums. Link

Jenny Kretschmar

Hinter Jenny verbirgt sich die Ein-Frau-Band mit dem Namen „Jens Ausderwäsche. Mit hintergründig-klugen Beobachtungen und mitunter schrägem Humor mischt sie die Musikszene Chemnitz auf, u.a. auch mit ihrer Synthie-Punkband Baumarkt. Link

Alina Dalsegno, Singer Songwriter

With roots in the vastness of the Siberian plains, Alina seeks the same boundless freedom in music and art as a singer-songwriter. After more than 15 years in various bands, projects and orchestras, she writes her own songs, sings and plays bass and rhythm guitar. Link

Diethard Krause, Viola da Gamba

Diethard is a cellist in the Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra Chemnitz. He has performed as a gambist at the Semperoper Dresden, with the Neues Bachisches Collegium Musicum and the Collegium 1704. Link

Volker Braun, Oboe

Volker is solo oboist in the Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra Chemnitz. He also plays jazz with his “Volker Braun Trio”. Link


Christian Siegmund, Daniel Dost, Franziska Ritter, Jürgen Kabus, Tom Ritschel, Andreas Siegmund u.a.

Wie klingt ein Halbselfaktor aus dem Jahr 1830? Mit dieser halbmechanischen Spinnmaschine konnten 152 Spindeln gleichzeitig gesponnen werden.

© Wolfgang Schmidt

Partners and Network

The project management is by the non-profit organization 1:1 CONCERTS e.V, which is much more than a concert format: a movement, a platform, a network. Since 2019, special musical encounters have been created worldwide with over 20,000 live concerts. Over 2,500 participants and around 30 orchestra sponsorships form a global community in 60 cities that is committed to sustainable cultural preservation, quality encounters and mindfulness. The artistic directors are Franziska Ritter and Christian Siegmund, the Chemnitz local team was founded by Tom Ritschel!

in cooperation with the Chemnitz Industrial Museum (Director Jürgen Kabus), which is located at one of the central sites of Saxon industrial history: the foundry hall of the former machine tool factory Hermann & Alfred Escher AG, built in 1907. A permanent exhibition on Saxony's industrial history is shown on 3,500 square meters and industry in transition can be experienced.

in cooperation with Buntmacher*innen e.V., which contributes to a liveable and cosmopolitan Chemnitz: with impulses, participation formats as well as inviting and inclusive actions in public spaces. The association develops various action and project formats that focus on dialog, participation and solidarity.

Further partner institutions: Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie, Musikschule Chemnitz, Garagen-Campus Chemnitz, Bandbüro Chemnitz, Chemnitzer Jazzclub e.V.

© Volkmar Otto


Tom Ritschel, 1:1 Team Chemnitz
Tel: +49 177 5241891

Franziska Ritter
Vorstandsvorsitzende 1:1 CONCERTS e.V.

Partner & Förderer

The realization of the project is made possible by funding from the Musikfond e.V. with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Bürgerplattform Chemnitz-Mitte with tax funds from the city of Chemnitz, as well as the great commitment of all cooperation partners and volunteers - THANK YOU!