Görlitz 2021 08.07. - 31.07.2021
Markus Thalheimer (Harfe) bei einem 1:1 CONCERT in der Alten Ofenfabrik | Görlitz
The 1:1 CONCERTS are now also available in Görlitz! Musicians from Neue Lausitzer Philharmonie / Gerhart Hauptmann Theatre perform at unusual venues in the city such as the Old Oven Factory in the old town of Görlitz, the Biblical House or at jakob5a - film location. The concert series, initiated in Görlitz by Max Hilfenhaus, Katrin Lay and Katrin Paulitz, started on 8 July 2021.

Katrin Paulitz (Flöte) im Biblischen Haus
The initiators and musicians want to send a sign of solidarity to the financially hard-hit freelance musicians! Therefore, we would be pleased if you would support the project "Culture is Life" to strengthen the creative scene in Görlitz with a donation to the Aktionskreis für Görlitz e.V.
Donation account Aktionskreis für Görlitz e.V.
Intended use: 1to1 Kultur ist Leben, Donation, Address for donation receipt
IBAN: DE76870700240624499000
Deutsche Bank
Alte Ofenfabrik in der Görlitzer Altstadt
Hosts: Familie Voigt
Rothenburger Str. 54a
02826 Görlitz
Kulturhistorisches Museum/Görlitzer Sammlungen (Biblisches Haus)
Hosts: Dr. Jasper v. Richthofen
Neißstraße 29
02826 Görlitz
Jakob 5a – Drehort für Filmwirtschaft
Hosts: Jens Neumann
Jakobstraße 5a
02826 Görlitz
Participating musicians
Flute: Katrin Paulitz Clarinet: Geza Bartha Bassoon: Martin Bandel Violin: Zuzanna Wiszowaty, Max Hilfenhaus Violoncello: Benjamin Arnold Harp: Markus Thalheimer Percussion: Xizi Wang

Max Hilfenhaus, Katrin Lay and Katrin Paulitz
If you would like to support the team as host with a venue in Görlitz, feel free to get in touch via email.
The 1:1 CONCERTS in Görlitz are organized in cooperation with the PhilMehr! Philharmonische Brücken e.V.