Köln 29.04. - 30.04.2022

Kontrabassistin Caris Hermes im Alten Pfandhaus Köln

© Christian Hedel

The Freie Volksbühne Köln e.V. has been facilitating "real" direct musical experiences in Cologne since June! "Concerts just for you"!

Dates and bookings can be made directly via the website of the Volksbühne: https://volksbuehne.de/lets-go-digital/.

In addition to the participation of freelance artists who receive a fee for their work, musicians from the Gürzenich Orchestra Cologne also support the project on a voluntary basis!

The voluntary donations requested by the concert-goers go directly into the emergency fund of the German Orchestra Foundation. The money will be used to support musicians who have lost their income due to the cancellation of all Corona concerts and performances and whose livelihoods are threatened.


Altes Pfandhaus Kartäuserwall 20
50678 Köln

Galerie Rehbein Hosts: Sylvia Stulz-Rehbein, Thomas Rehbein, Sandra Pajer
Aachener Str. 5
50674 Köln

Atelier Karin Kutsch Hosts: Karin Kutsch
Poller Kirchweg 78-90
51105 Köln

Privathaus Prof. Lothar Czerny
Hosts: Lothar Czerny


Galerie Jansen
Hosts: Alexa Jansen
Pantaleonswall 50
50676 Köln

St. Nikolaus
Hosts: Caroline Schreiber
Nikolausplatz 17
50937 Köln

Free Musicians: Caris HermesniclamueMartin Sasse u.a.


The team of Freie Volksbühne Köln e.V. around Astrid Freudenberger and Jutta Unger has brought the 1:1 CONCERTS to the metropolis on the Rhine.

If you are interested, please write to service@volksbuehne.de or call 0221-9529910
