That was the 1:1 FESTIVAL Stuttgart
31. July 2021
Gitarrist Jonas Khalil, Grabkapelle auf dem Württemberg
On 24 and 25 July, 100 independent artists from the disciplines of music, dance, drama, puppetry and artistry performed in over 500 individual 1:1 performances at 25 venues in Stuttgart. In 2 picture galleries we look back on a weekend full of 1:1 encounters at Stuttgart's most beautiful locations.
All information about the festival, artists and venues: Stay Tuned: From autumn 2021 there will be more 1:1 CONCERTS in Stuttgart.
The 1:1 Festival is a joint project of 1:1 CONCERTS e.V., Staatsorchester Stuttgart, SWR Symphonieorchester, with the support of the artists Soforthilfe Stuttgart, Pop-Büro Region Stuttgart, DUNDU, Stuttgarter Ballett, BIX Jazzclub, Bürgerstiftung Stuttgart and the Stuttgarter Philharmoniker and the Internationale Schauspielakademie CreArte.
The project was made possible by donations from the Rotary Club Stuttgart-Fernsehturm, the Colla Parte Foundation Basel, Züblin and funds from the "Prize Innovation" of the German Orchestra Foundation.
Photo credit: Wolf-Peter Steinheisser, Moritz Metzger, Achim Birnbaum (ITS) et al.