Award invitation!
03. March 2021

Be there! On 5 March from 11 a.m., the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media will present the awards to the Kultur- und Kreativpiloten Deutschland via livestream. Get to know Germany's most creative entrepreneurs! From 1170 applications received, the 32 most creative minds in Germany 2020 were selected, and we are one of them!
To the livestream, programme and exhibition:
Every year, the Federal Government awards companies from the cultural and creative industries. On 5 March, the awards event will take place via livestream. Afterwards, the creative companies can be experienced in a unique digital exhibition on the virtual grounds of Berlin-Tegel Airport. For this, the airport will be virtually recreated and the area filled with creative ideas. Each company of the title winners 2020 will be brought to life digitally with 3D objects, short films and vivid galleries for the visitors.
Download the brochure with all the title holders as a pdf file