Season with the Tyrolean Symphony Orchestra Innsbruck Innsbruck 06.10. - 07.06.2024

© Amir Kaufmann

1:1 CONCERTS are a permanent feature of the Tyrolean Symphony Orchestra Innsbruck's programme in Austria! In the 2023/2024 season, from October to July 2024, the musicians of the orchestra will always play on the first Friday of the month at changing venues for just one listener at a time.

The special thing about this idiosyncratic concert form is the immediate proximity between musician:in and listener:in, between two people who may never have seen each other before. It is a new, intense and emotional experience for both sides, which makes an unbelievable closeness possible.

This is how Martina Natter, head of music education at the Tyrolean Symphony Orchestra Innsbruck, explains the concert format. Because even in 2021 during the pandemic, there were regular concerts in the city. Whether behind the scenes of the Landestheater, in the Tyrolean Folklore Museum, in the Kulturbogen55 or in the Haus der Begegnung - any place can be transformed into a stage.

Im Kuturbogen 55

© Agnieszka Kulowska

The concerts take place on the first Friday afternoon of every month at changing venues:

6 October 2023 4.40 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
3 November 2023 4.40 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
1 December 2023 16.40 to 18.30
5 January 2024 4.40 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
2 February 2024 4.40 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
1 March 2024 4.40 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
5 April 2024 4.40 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
3 May 2024 4.40 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
7 June 2024 4.40 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
5 July 2024, 4.40 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

The concerts can be booked via the TSOI website:

© Amir Kaufmann

The concept of the intimate concert encounter is based on what we call the “triangle of giving”: Admission to the 1:1 CONCERTS is free, because we want to make culture accessible to all. Hosts make their premises available free of charge, the performers receive no fee for this concert and the audience participates with a voluntary donation.

1:1 CONCERTS want to send a sign of solidarity to financially challenged families and would be pleased if you supported the SOS Children's Village Tyrol with a donation. The donations will be used to enable one or more children to buy a musical instrument.

IBAN: AT621 60000 0101173240
BIC: BTVAAT22 / reason for payment 1:1 CONCERT

Für einen guten Zweck! Die Spenden der 1:1 CONCERTS fließen zum SOS Kinderdorf Tirol, um Instrumente zu kaufen.

© Katerina Ilievska


Haus der Begegnung Hosts: Magdalena Modler-El Abdaoui
Rennweg 12
6020 Innsbruck

Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum Innsbruck Hosts: Heidi Kapferer
Universitätsstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck

Kulturbogen55 Hosts: Anders Linder und Krista Sommer
Viaduktbögen 55
6020 Innsbruck

Tiroler Landestheater Hosts: Martina Natter
Rennweg 2
6020 Innsbruck


Yume Sato, Violine

Yume Sato wurde in Japan geboren und erhielt den ersten Geigenunterricht im Alter von fünf Jahren. Ihr Studium für Solistmaster und Orchestermaster absolvierte sie an der UdK Berlin bei Prof. Mark Gothoni. Als 1.Violine spielte sie im Volksopernorchester Wien, bei den Hamburger Symphonikern, im Neuen Kammerorchester Potsdam und im Yomiuri Nippon Symphonie Orchester. Sie ist Mitglied der Hofkapelle Weimar.

Alejandro Fela, Fagott

Magdalena Wetscher, Klarinette

Die TSOI Musikerin Magdalena wurde 1996 in Hall in Tirol geboren und studieret am Mozarteum Salzburg / Innsbruck. Schon früh konnte sie in verschiedenen Orchestern Erfahrungen sammeln, wie u.a. dem Symphonieorchester des Tiroler Landeskonservatoriums, dem Symphonieorchester des Mozarteums und der Camerata Franconia Erlangen.

Maria Kulowska, Violoncello

Maria Kulowska was born in Poland and began her musical education in Gdansk. She graduated with honours from the University of Music in Warsaw and the MH Lübeck. In addition to classical music, Maria works with the electric cello and loops, both as a performer and as a composer.

Sascha Rathey, Flute

Sascha has been a member of the TSOI and Symphony Orchestra since 2009, after spending a year in the Karajan Foundation Academy with the Berlin Philharmonic under renowned conductors such as Sir S. Rattle, C. Thielemann, D. Zinman and K. Petrenko. As a music educator, she also led the "Young TSOI" concert education programme at the State Theatre from 2010 to 2016.

Heyn Choi, Viola

Cellistin Maria Kulowska bei einem 1:1 CONCERT im Volkunstmuseum Innsbruck

© Jakub Hanisz

Contact person

Martina Natter is Head of Music Education at the Tyrolean Symphony Orchestra Innsbruck
Telefon +43512520744

Partner and Venues