Neubrandenburg 08.06. - 30.06.2021

© Urte Kaunas

The 1:1 CONCERTS have now also arrived in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern! After this special concert format has already conquered many cities throughout Germany and abroad, musicians from the Neubrandenburg Philharmonic Orchestra and other musicians from the region will now also play for you at unusual venues. In Neubrandenburg, the concerts will take place in eight unusual venues in the city centre - a church, a Wiekhaus, in shops, a café, and more.

1:1 CONCERTS Neubrandenburg supports the Nothilfefonds der Deutschen Orchesterstiftung (emergency fund of the German Orchestra Foundation) for all freelance colleagues. If you would like to make a contribution, you can do so via the following account details:

Deutsche Orchester-Stiftung
Kennwort: Nothilfefonds, 1to1 Concerts
IBAN: DE35 1004 0000 0114 1514 05


Friedenskirche Neubrandenburg-Ost
Semmelweisstraße 50
17036 Neubrandenburg

Kunstsammlung Neubrandenburg Hosts: Dr. Elke Pretzel
Große Wollweberstraße 24
17033 Neubrandenburg

Regionalbibliothek Neubrandenburg Hosts: Anne Drews
Marktplatz 1
17033 Neubrandenburg

Biomarkt Hosts: Michael Kruse
Friedländer Str. 1 1
17033 Neubrandenburg

datzeberg polylux e.V. Alfred-Haude-Straße 7
17034 Neubrandenburg

Der Salon Hosts: Kati Bogner
Poststraße 2
17033 Neubrandenburg

Kapelle St. Georg
St. Georg 1A
17033 Neubrandenburg

Sankt Johannis Kirche
Hosts: René Kiepsel
Stargarder Str. 4
17033 Neubrandenburg

Weinander Hosts: Rita Beller
Turmstrasse 26
17033 Neubrandenburg

happiness Physio - Physiotherapie im Wiekhaus Hosts: Ines Boltze
2. Ringstraße Wiekhaus 22
17033 Neubrandenburg

Participating Musicians:

Cembalo: Christian Stähr Bassoon: Frank Bachmeier Horn: Claudio Mori Monteiro, Clarinet: Carolin Paschen Piano: Rira Kwon-Rosin Double Bass: Stefan Milojicic Nyckelharpa: Andreas Wiebecke-Gottstein Oboe: Luise Rummel Flute: Ev Pielucha-Freiwald Viola: Christine von der Groeben Violin: Friederike Jahn, Uwe Retter, Renate Frenzel, Dorothea Schubert, Anastasia Simeonidi


Carolin Paschen, Uwe Christian Müller and Christian Stähr
Telefon: 0395 43092909